Tuesday, May 19, 2009


It has been way to long since I last posted. Not that anyone cares, but thought I would update a few things.

Matthew and I went to visit my parents this weekend. School was out on Monday, so it was nice to have an extra day off. Though, it was kind of a tease to be off and then go back knowing that school is almost out for summer!!! We had a great time with my parents. Matthew just loves his Bella and Grandpa. They really have enjoyed being grandparents and they are wonderful ones at that! :) While we were there, we headed over to visit Micheal's mom. Grammy took some great pictures of Matthew playing on the swing set. He loves to be outside!

Like I said earlier, school is almost out and I can't wait to spend the summer with my son. That is one of the perks of being a teacher! :)

As I was fixing supper tonight, Matthew wanted to help so I gave him a sack with a piece of bread in it. He managed to get the bread out of the sack and begin to eat it. He loved it! I normally don't give him a chunk of bread or chunks of anything (I seem to get paranoid about choking...which I guess is normal) but he was enjoying himself, so I let him be. I did get a few pictures from that. I have mentioned before, I am not real good at capturing great moments, but I will try. I wish I had a better camera, then, I think maybe I might take more. My birthday is coming up so we will see... :)

Here are a few pictures from this evening.


Really? Can I?

Check out those bites!

Ok, thanks Mommy!
I still haven't figured out how to arrange the pictures how I would like them, but I am getting better and better each time. Maybe during the summer I can work on my blogging skills.
Well I think that is it for now. It is too late for me to be out of bed. 5:15 comes early...and that doesn't guarantee Matthew won't grace me with his cry in the middle of the night like he has been. :) Yes, we are trying to cut 3 teeth and the same time. :)